Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.35


Allows for the registration of custom console commands through the global object named commands. Similarly to event subscriptions, these don't persist through a save-and-load cycle.


add_command(name, help, function)

Add a custom console command. [...]

Add a custom console command. [...]

remove_command(name) boolean

Remove a custom console command.

Remove a custom console command.

commands :: R dictionary[string → LocalisedString]

Lists the custom commands registered by scripts through LuaCommandProcessor.

Lists the custom commands registered by scripts through LuaCommandProcessor.

game_commands :: R dictionary[string → LocalisedString]

Lists the built-in commands of the core game. [...]

Lists the built-in commands of the core game. [...]

object_name :: R string

The class name of this object. [...]

The class name of this object. [...]


add_command(name, help, function)

Add a custom console command.

Trying to add a command with the name of a game command or the name of a custom command that is already in use will result in an error.

This example command will register a custom event called print_tick that prints the current tick to either the player issuing the command or to everyone on the server, depending on the command parameter:

commands.add_command("print_tick", nil, function(command)
  if command.player_index ~= nil and command.parameter == "me" then

This shows the usage of the table that gets passed to any function handling a custom command. This specific example makes use of the tick and the optional player_index and parameter fields. The user is supposed to either call it without any parameter ("/print_tick") or with the "me" parameter ("/print_tick me").


name :: string

The desired name of the command (case sensitive).

The desired name of the command (case sensitive).

help :: LocalisedString

The localised help message. It will be shown to players using the /help command.

The localised help message. It will be shown to players using the /help command.

function :: function(CustomCommandData)

The function that will be called when this command is invoked.

The function that will be called when this command is invoked.

remove_command(name) → boolean

Remove a custom console command.


name :: string

The name of the command to remove (case sensitive).

The name of the command to remove (case sensitive).

Return values

→ boolean

Whether the command was successfully removed. Returns false if the command didn't exist.


commands :: Read dictionary[string → LocalisedString]  

Lists the custom commands registered by scripts through LuaCommandProcessor.

game_commands :: Read dictionary[string → LocalisedString]  

Lists the built-in commands of the core game. The wiki has an overview of these.

object_name :: Read string  

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.



