Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

PathfinderFlags :: table

Table fields

allow_destroy_friendly_entities :: boolean?

Allows pathing through friendly entities. Defaults to false.

Allows pathing through friendly entities. Defaults to false.

allow_paths_through_own_entities :: boolean?

Allows the pathfinder to path through entities of the same force. Defaults to false.

Allows the pathfinder to path through entities of the same force. Defaults to false.

cache :: boolean?

Enables path caching. This can be more efficient, but might fail to respond to changes in the environment. Defaults to true.

Enables path caching. This can be more efficient, but might fail to respond to changes in the environment. Defaults to true.

prefer_straight_paths :: boolean?

Makes the pathfinder try to path in straight lines. Defaults to false.

Makes the pathfinder try to path in straight lines. Defaults to false.

low_priority :: boolean?

Sets lower priority on the path request, meaning it might take longer to find a path at the expense of speeding up others. Defaults to false.

Sets lower priority on the path request, meaning it might take longer to find a path at the expense of speeding up others. Defaults to false.

no_break :: boolean?

Makes the pathfinder not break in the middle of processing this pathfind, no matter how much work is needed. Defaults to false.

Makes the pathfinder not break in the middle of processing this pathfind, no matter how much work is needed. Defaults to false.



