Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

TechnologyModifier :: table

The effect that is applied when a technology is researched. It is a table that contains at least the field type.

Table fields

type :: ModifierType

Modifier type. Specifies which of the other fields will be available.

Modifier type. Specifies which of the other fields will be available.

Other attributes may be specified depending on type:


ammo_category :: string

Prototype name of the ammunition category that is affected

Prototype name of the ammunition category that is affected

modifier :: double

Modification value. This will be added to the current gun speed modifier upon researching.

Modification value. This will be added to the current gun speed modifier upon researching.


ammo_category :: string

Prototype name of the ammunition category that is affected

Prototype name of the ammunition category that is affected

modifier :: double

Modification value. This will be added to the current ammo damage modifier upon researching.

Modification value. This will be added to the current ammo damage modifier upon researching.


item :: string

Item prototype name to give.

Item prototype name to give.

count :: uint?

Number of items to give. Defaults to 1.

Number of items to give. Defaults to 1.


turret_id :: string

Turret prototype name this modifier will affect.

Turret prototype name this modifier will affect.

modifier :: double

Modification value. This will be added to the current turret damage modifier upon researching.

Modification value. This will be added to the current turret damage modifier upon researching.


recipe :: string

Recipe prototype name to unlock.

Recipe prototype name to unlock.


effect_description :: LocalisedString

Description of this nothing modifier.

Description of this nothing modifier.


modifier :: double

Modification value. This value will be added to the variable it modifies.

Modification value. This value will be added to the variable it modifies.



