Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

PollutionMapSettings :: table

These values are for the time frame of one second (60 ticks).

Table fields

enabled :: boolean

Whether pollution is enabled at all.

Whether pollution is enabled at all.

diffusion_ratio :: double

The amount that is diffused to a neighboring chunk (possibly repeated for other directions as well). Defaults to 0.02.

The amount that is diffused to a neighboring chunk (possibly repeated for other directions as well). Defaults to 0.02.

min_to_diffuse :: double

The amount of PUs that need to be in a chunk for it to start diffusing. Defaults to 15.

The amount of PUs that need to be in a chunk for it to start diffusing. Defaults to 15.

ageing :: double

The amount of pollution eaten by a chunk's tiles as a percentage of 1. Also known as absorption modifier. Defaults to 1.

The amount of pollution eaten by a chunk's tiles as a percentage of 1. Also known as absorption modifier. Defaults to 1.

expected_max_per_chunk :: double

Any amount of pollution larger than this value is visualized as this value instead. Defaults to 150.

Any amount of pollution larger than this value is visualized as this value instead. Defaults to 150.

min_to_show_per_chunk :: double

Any amount of pollution smaller than this value (but bigger than zero) is visualized as this value instead. Defaults to 50.

Any amount of pollution smaller than this value (but bigger than zero) is visualized as this value instead. Defaults to 50.

min_pollution_to_damage_trees :: double

Defaults to 60.

Defaults to 60.

pollution_with_max_forest_damage :: double

Defaults to 150.

Defaults to 150.

pollution_per_tree_damage :: double

Defaults to 50.

Defaults to 50.

pollution_restored_per_tree_damage :: double

Defaults to 10.

Defaults to 10.

max_pollution_to_restore_trees :: double

Defaults to 20.

Defaults to 20.

enemy_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier :: double

Defaults to 1.

Defaults to 1.



