Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42

WorkerRobotOrder :: table

Table fields

type :: defines.robot_order_type

The type of the order.

The type of the order.

target :: LuaEntity?

The target of the order.

The target of the order.

item_to_place :: SimpleItemStack?

The item to place if relevant.

The item to place if relevant.

secondary_target :: LuaEntity?

The secondary target of the upgrade order.

The secondary target of the upgrade order.

cliff_explosive_id :: LuaItemPrototype?

The cliff explosive for the cliff explode job.

The cliff explosive for the cliff explode job.

target_item :: ItemIDAndQualityIDPair?

The target item of the pickup or deliver order.

The target item of the pickup or deliver order.

target_count :: ItemCountType?

The target count of the pickup or deliver order.

The target count of the pickup or deliver order.



