Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.42


A single "square" on the map.


collides_with(layer) changedboolean

What type of things can collide with this tile?

What type of things can collide with this tile?

to_be_deconstructed(force?) changedboolean

Is this tile marked for deconstruction?

Is this tile marked for deconstruction?

order_deconstruction(force, player?) changedLuaEntity?

Orders deconstruction of this tile by the given force.

Orders deconstruction of this tile by the given force.

cancel_deconstruction(force, player?) changed

Cancels deconstruction if it is scheduled, does nothing otherwise.

Cancels deconstruction if it is scheduled, does nothing otherwise.

has_tile_ghost(force?) changedboolean

Does this tile have any tile ghosts on it.

Does this tile have any tile ghosts on it.

get_tile_ghosts(force?) changed → array[LuaEntity]

Gets all tile ghosts on this tile.

Gets all tile ghosts on this tile.

name :: R string

Prototype name of this tile. [...]

Prototype name of this tile. [...]

prototype :: R LuaTilePrototype
position :: R TilePosition

The position this tile references.

The position this tile references.

hidden_tile :: R string?

The name of the LuaTilePrototype hidden under this tile, if any. [...]

The name of the LuaTilePrototype hidden under this tile, if any. [...]

double_hidden_tile new :: R string?

The name of the LuaTilePrototype double hidden under this tile or nil if there is no double hidden tile. [...]

The name of the LuaTilePrototype double hidden under this tile or nil if there is no double hidden tile. [...]

surface :: R LuaSurface

The surface this tile is on.

The surface this tile is on.

valid :: R boolean

Is this object valid? [...]

Is this object valid? [...]

object_name :: R string

The class name of this object. [...]

The class name of this object. [...]


collides_with(layer) → booleanchanged

What type of things can collide with this tile?


layer :: CollisionLayerID


-- Check if the character would collide with a tile
game.player.print(tostring(game.player.surface.get_tile(1, 1).collides_with("player")))

to_be_deconstructed(force?) → booleanchanged

Is this tile marked for deconstruction?


force :: ForceID?

The force whose robots are supposed to do the deconstruction. If not given, checks if to be deconstructed by any force.

The force whose robots are supposed to do the deconstruction. If not given, checks if to be deconstructed by any force.

order_deconstruction(force, player?) → LuaEntity?changed

Orders deconstruction of this tile by the given force.


force :: ForceID

The force whose robots are supposed to do the deconstruction.

The force whose robots are supposed to do the deconstruction.

player :: PlayerIdentification?

The player to set the last_user to if any.

The player to set the last_user to if any.

Return values

→ LuaEntity?

The deconstructible tile proxy created, if any.

Raised events

on_marked_for_deconstruction? instantly

Raised if the tile was successfully marked for deconstruction.

cancel_deconstruction(force, player?) changed

Cancels deconstruction if it is scheduled, does nothing otherwise.


force :: ForceID

The force who did the deconstruction order.

The force who did the deconstruction order.

player :: PlayerIdentification?

The player to set the last_user to if any.

The player to set the last_user to if any.

Raised events

on_cancelled_deconstruction? instantly

Raised if the tile's deconstruction was successfully cancelled.

has_tile_ghost(force?) → booleanchanged

Does this tile have any tile ghosts on it.


force :: ForceID?

Check for tile ghosts of this force.

Check for tile ghosts of this force.

get_tile_ghosts(force?) → array[LuaEntity] changed

Gets all tile ghosts on this tile.


force :: ForceID?

Get tile ghosts of this force.

Get tile ghosts of this force.

Return values

→ array[LuaEntity]

The tile ghosts.


name :: Read string  

Prototype name of this tile. E.g. "sand-3" or "grass-2".

prototype :: Read LuaTilePrototype  

position :: Read TilePosition  

The position this tile references.

hidden_tile :: Read string  ?

The name of the LuaTilePrototype hidden under this tile, if any.

During normal gameplay, only non-mineable or foundation tiles can become hidden. This can however be circumvented with LuaSurface::set_hidden_tile.

double_hidden_tile :: Read string  ?new

The name of the LuaTilePrototype double hidden under this tile or nil if there is no double hidden tile.

During normal gameplay, only non-mineable tiles can become double hidden. This can however be circumvented with LuaSurface::set_double_hidden_tile.

surface :: Read LuaSurface  

The surface this tile is on.

valid :: Read boolean  

Is this object valid? This Lua object holds a reference to an object within the game engine. It is possible that the game-engine object is removed whilst a mod still holds the corresponding Lua object. If that happens, the object becomes invalid, i.e. this attribute will be false. Mods are advised to check for object validity if any change to the game state might have occurred between the creation of the Lua object and its access.

object_name :: Read string  

The class name of this object. Available even when valid is false. For LuaStruct objects it may also be suffixed with a dotted path to a member of the struct.



