Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37

PathFinderMapSettings :: table

Table fields

fwd2bwd_ratio :: uint

The pathfinder performs a step of the backward search every fwd2bwd_ratio'th step. The minimum allowed value is 2, which means symmetric search. The default value is 5.

The pathfinder performs a step of the backward search every fwd2bwd_ratio'th step. The minimum allowed value is 2, which means symmetric search. The default value is 5.

goal_pressure_ratio :: double

When looking at which node to check next, their heuristic value is multiplied by this ratio. The higher it is, the more the search is directed straight at the goal. Defaults to 2.

When looking at which node to check next, their heuristic value is multiplied by this ratio. The higher it is, the more the search is directed straight at the goal. Defaults to 2.

use_path_cache :: boolean

Whether to cache paths at all. Defaults to true.

Whether to cache paths at all. Defaults to true.

max_steps_worked_per_tick :: double

The maximum number of nodes that are expanded per tick. Defaults to 1 000.

The maximum number of nodes that are expanded per tick. Defaults to 1 000.

max_work_done_per_tick :: uint

The maximum amount of work each pathfinding job is allowed to do per tick. Defaults to 8 000.

The maximum amount of work each pathfinding job is allowed to do per tick. Defaults to 8 000.

short_cache_size :: uint

Number of elements in the short cache. Defaults to 5.

Number of elements in the short cache. Defaults to 5.

long_cache_size :: uint

Number of elements in the long cache. Defaults to 25.

Number of elements in the long cache. Defaults to 25.

short_cache_min_cacheable_distance :: double

The minimal distance to the goal in tiles required to be searched in the short path cache. Defaults to 10.

The minimal distance to the goal in tiles required to be searched in the short path cache. Defaults to 10.

short_cache_min_algo_steps_to_cache :: uint

The minimal number of nodes required to be searched in the short path cache. Defaults to 50.

The minimal number of nodes required to be searched in the short path cache. Defaults to 50.

long_cache_min_cacheable_distance :: double

The minimal distance to the goal in tiles required to be searched in the long path cache. Defaults to 30.

The minimal distance to the goal in tiles required to be searched in the long path cache. Defaults to 30.

cache_max_connect_to_cache_steps_multiplier :: uint

When looking for a connection to a cached path, search at most for this number of steps times the original estimate. Defaults to 100.

When looking for a connection to a cached path, search at most for this number of steps times the original estimate. Defaults to 100.

cache_accept_path_start_distance_ratio :: double

When looking for a path from cache, make sure it doesn't start too far from the requested start in relative terms. Defaults to 0.2.

When looking for a path from cache, make sure it doesn't start too far from the requested start in relative terms. Defaults to 0.2.

cache_accept_path_end_distance_ratio :: double

When looking for a path from cache, make sure it doesn't end too far from the requested end in relative terms. This is typically more lenient than the start ratio since the end target could be moving. Defaults to 0.15.

When looking for a path from cache, make sure it doesn't end too far from the requested end in relative terms. This is typically more lenient than the start ratio since the end target could be moving. Defaults to 0.15.

negative_cache_accept_path_start_distance_ratio :: double

Same principle as cache_accept_path_start_distance_ratio, but used for negative cache queries. Defaults to 0.3.

Same principle as cache_accept_path_start_distance_ratio, but used for negative cache queries. Defaults to 0.3.

negative_cache_accept_path_end_distance_ratio :: double

Same principle as cache_accept_path_end_distance_ratio, but used for negative cache queries. Defaults to 0.3.

Same principle as cache_accept_path_end_distance_ratio, but used for negative cache queries. Defaults to 0.3.

cache_path_start_distance_rating_multiplier :: double

When assigning a rating to the best path, this multiplier times start distances is considered. Defaults to 10.

When assigning a rating to the best path, this multiplier times start distances is considered. Defaults to 10.

cache_path_end_distance_rating_multiplier :: double

When assigning a rating to the best path, this multiplier times end distances is considered. This value is typically higher than the start multiplier as this results in better end path quality. Defaults to 20.

When assigning a rating to the best path, this multiplier times end distances is considered. This value is typically higher than the start multiplier as this results in better end path quality. Defaults to 20.

stale_enemy_with_same_destination_collision_penalty :: double

A penalty that is applied for another unit that is on the way to the goal. This is mainly relevant for situations where a group of units has arrived at the target they are supposed to attack, making units further back circle around to reach the target. Defaults to 30.

A penalty that is applied for another unit that is on the way to the goal. This is mainly relevant for situations where a group of units has arrived at the target they are supposed to attack, making units further back circle around to reach the target. Defaults to 30.

ignore_moving_enemy_collision_distance :: double

The distance in tiles after which other moving units are not considered for pathfinding. Defaults to 5.

The distance in tiles after which other moving units are not considered for pathfinding. Defaults to 5.

enemy_with_different_destination_collision_penalty :: double

A penalty that is applied for another unit that is too close and either not moving or has a different goal. Defaults to 30.

A penalty that is applied for another unit that is too close and either not moving or has a different goal. Defaults to 30.

general_entity_collision_penalty :: double

The general collision penalty with other units. Defaults to 10.

The general collision penalty with other units. Defaults to 10.

general_entity_subsequent_collision_penalty :: double

The collision penalty for positions that require the destruction of an entity to get to. Defaults to 3.

The collision penalty for positions that require the destruction of an entity to get to. Defaults to 3.

extended_collision_penalty :: double

The collision penalty for collisions in the extended bounding box but outside the entity's actual bounding box. Defaults to 3.

The collision penalty for collisions in the extended bounding box but outside the entity's actual bounding box. Defaults to 3.

max_clients_to_accept_any_new_request :: uint

The amount of path finder requests accepted per tick regardless of the requested path's length. Defaults to 10.

The amount of path finder requests accepted per tick regardless of the requested path's length. Defaults to 10.

max_clients_to_accept_short_new_request :: uint

When the max_clients_to_accept_any_new_request amount is exhausted, only path finder requests with a short estimate will be accepted until this amount (per tick) is reached. Defaults to 100.

When the max_clients_to_accept_any_new_request amount is exhausted, only path finder requests with a short estimate will be accepted until this amount (per tick) is reached. Defaults to 100.

direct_distance_to_consider_short_request :: uint

The maximum direct distance in tiles before a request is no longer considered short. Defaults to 100.

The maximum direct distance in tiles before a request is no longer considered short. Defaults to 100.

short_request_max_steps :: uint

The maximum amount of nodes a short request will traverse before being rescheduled as a long request. Defaults to 1000.

The maximum amount of nodes a short request will traverse before being rescheduled as a long request. Defaults to 1000.

short_request_ratio :: double

The amount of steps that are allocated to short requests each tick, as a percentage of all available steps. Defaults to 0.5, or 50%.

The amount of steps that are allocated to short requests each tick, as a percentage of all available steps. Defaults to 0.5, or 50%.

min_steps_to_check_path_find_termination :: uint

The minimum amount of steps that are guaranteed to be performed for every request. Defaults to 2000.

The minimum amount of steps that are guaranteed to be performed for every request. Defaults to 2000.

start_to_goal_cost_multiplier_to_terminate_path_find :: double

If the actual amount of steps is higher than the initial estimate by this factor, pathfinding is terminated. Defaults to 2000.0.

If the actual amount of steps is higher than the initial estimate by this factor, pathfinding is terminated. Defaults to 2000.0.

overload_levels :: array[uint]

The thresholds of waiting clients after each of which the per-tick work limit will be increased by the corresponding value in overload_multipliers. This is to avoid clients having to wait too long. Must have the same number of elements as overload_multipliers. Defaults to {0, 100, 500}.

The thresholds of waiting clients after each of which the per-tick work limit will be increased by the corresponding value in overload_multipliers. This is to avoid clients having to wait too long. Must have the same number of elements as overload_multipliers. Defaults to {0, 100, 500}.

overload_multipliers :: array[double]

The multipliers to the amount of per-tick work applied after the corresponding thresholds in overload_levels have been reached. Must have the same number of elements as overload_multipliers. Defaults to {2, 3, 4}.

The multipliers to the amount of per-tick work applied after the corresponding thresholds in overload_levels have been reached. Must have the same number of elements as overload_multipliers. Defaults to {2, 3, 4}.

negative_path_cache_delay_interval :: uint

The delay in ticks between decrementing the score of all paths in the negative cache by one. Defaults to 20.

The delay in ticks between decrementing the score of all paths in the negative cache by one. Defaults to 20.



