Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.39

ArithmeticCombinatorParameters :: table

Table fields

first_signal :: SignalID?

First signal to use in an operation. If not specified, the second argument will be the value of first_constant.

First signal to use in an operation. If not specified, the second argument will be the value of first_constant.

second_signal :: SignalID?

Second signal to use in an operation. If not specified, the second argument will be the value of second_constant.

Second signal to use in an operation. If not specified, the second argument will be the value of second_constant.

first_constant :: int?

Constant to use as the first argument of the operation. Has no effect when first_signal is set. Defaults to 0.

Constant to use as the first argument of the operation. Has no effect when first_signal is set. Defaults to 0.

second_constant :: int?

Constant to use as the second argument of the operation. Has no effect when second_signal is set. Defaults to 0.

Constant to use as the second argument of the operation. Has no effect when second_signal is set. Defaults to 0.

operation :: "*" or "/" or "+" or "-" or "%" or "^" or "<<" or ">>" or "AND" or "OR" or "XOR"?

When not specified, defaults to "*".

When not specified, defaults to "*".

output_signal :: SignalID?

Specifies the signal to output.

Specifies the signal to output.



