Factorio Runtime DocsVersion 2.0.37

GuiAnchor :: table

Table fields

gui :: defines.relative_gui_type
position :: defines.relative_gui_position
type :: string?

If provided, only anchors the GUI element when the opened things type matches the type.

If provided, only anchors the GUI element when the opened things type matches the type.

name :: string?

If provided, only anchors the GUI element when the opened thing matches the name. name takes precedence over names.

If provided, only anchors the GUI element when the opened thing matches the name. name takes precedence over names.

names :: array[string]?

If provided, only anchors the GUI element when the opened thing matches one of the names. When reading an anchor, names is always populated.

If provided, only anchors the GUI element when the opened thing matches one of the names. When reading an anchor, names is always populated.



